Lo & Behold

Chris left a week ago, and I'm holding up fairly well. Of course, I have no idea how he's doing because he hasn't called. (Sure, there was that missed phone call at 4:52 am before he left MEPS, but since his arrival at FLW, nothing!) Despite my gut feeling that any chance of a phone call anytime soon is highly unlikely, I still jump every time the phone rings...I just want to hear his voice...
God, I miss that kid!
Now, I'd like to clarify a few things. First of all, I DO understand he is in the Army, and not at summer camp. I completely understand that a group whose main objective is to turn ordinary citizens into soldiers of the most powerful army in the world, has more important things to do than worry if Pvt. Chris has called his mom. They are the experts, I get that. If it would be better for the new arrivals to have little (or no) contact with their families while they adjust to this new way of life, hey- I may not like it, but I can accept it. But, do NOT tell me he will get a chance to check in before he begins BCT, and not let him do that! I would much rather face a complete communication cut-off head on- deal with it, and get back to my dysfunctional life, than wake up each morning with hope (albeit, dwindling more each day) and after a day of disappointments, going to bed in tears (although, the tears are also dwindling more each day.)
Oh, and just in case my silent telephone isn't taunting me enough, my son's new employer has provided another method to get the job done: the promise of mail ! Goody- another thing to look forward to (at least I don't have to go around carrying the mailbox with me everywhere I go!) I want to believe that if the military says it "[requires soldiers] to send a letter home within 72 hours of arrival here in the Basic Training Unit and inform the family of his or her mailing address," then I should be getting a letter any day now. (Assuming "requirement" means the same thing in Army speak as it does in the civilian world...we'll wait and see.)
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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