Actual News, Part 2

In a letter dated 24May06,
Chris writes:
1. Got pink-eye
a.It is Warrior Tower day and he is not able to do it. b.Drill Sgt. says he can make it up so he's still on grad status so far.
2. Got gassed in gas chamber.
a. He made it through "cheering and everything!" b. It didn't bother him much. c. It was pretty cool.
3. Unsure if he will get to do pugil training/testing until he gets checked out at "sick call."
...I get homesick and lonely I also miss my friends but I'm in one of those situations where I have walked too far forward to move back and I even got a shot in my butt and about 12 or 13 in both of my arms. I got gassed and yelled at so I'm definitely staying but to sum it all up it is mostly fun and it is going by quickly. But sometimes it is boring when we are not doing anything but I'm making it so tell everybody I'm having NO trouble. Oh, and one more thing before I go- I made a check list for the car in order: [and a detailed list it is!]
...and when you come to grad. have a mini-cooler of Monster Energy Drinks-I'll buy up to $50 worth-haha!
Oh ok I'm gone...
How about that? My eternal pessimist is looking at the "bright side!"
Lots of photos (like those above) of current BCT at Ft. Leonard Wood are online HERE!
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