Actual News!
Finally some answers to the questions everyone's been dying to know:
1. The food is o.k. (Breakfast is very good; everything else just depends on what they fix.)
2. He gets up at 5 a.m.
3. Lights out is 9 p.m.
4. He doesn't have alot of free time (everyone else gets to "chill" after cleaning up on Sundays, but not his platoon...his drill sgt. pretty much makes them clean all day...btw, the drill sgt. is a woman- he just can't get away from having women tell him what to do; he should make someone a good husband someday!)
5. He graduates on July 6th!
The rest of the conversation was typical small talk. He still doesn't find it difficult there. He's still giving directions about his car, and he's still concerned about getting to come home after AIT.
He's not getting much mail, and really wants to hear from everyone- so, please drop him a line if you have a chance!
Other than that, it was just really nice hearing from, I've got some travel plans to arrange...
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